The Foundation Cigar Company was started by Nicholas Melillo, formerly of Drew Estate. His love and commitment for Nicaragua is evident in their cigars. Charter Oak, a medium-bodied premium, pays homage to Melillo’s home and grandfather who was a WWII vet and enjoyed Connecticut Broadleaf wrapped cigars, and offers up nutty and creamy flavors along with notes of chocolate, roasted nut, and pepper. El Guegense is a Nicaraguan puro that means “the wise man.” A full-bodied blend, El Guegense delivers bold and complex flavors. Lastly The Upsetters, is a one-of-a-kind cigar finished with “Caribbean Atmosphere Herbal Infusion.” For a true taste of Nica, you should give their cigars a try!

The Foundation Cigar Company was started by Nicholas Melillo, formerly of Drew Estate. His love and commitment for Nicaragua is evident in their cigars. Charter Oak, a medium-bodied premium, pays homage to Melillo’s home and grandfather who was a WWII vet and enjoyed Connecticut Broadleaf wrapped cigars, and offers up nutty and creamy flavors along with notes of chocolate, roasted nut, and pepper. El Guegense is a Nicaraguan puro that means “the wise man.” A full-bodied blend, El Guegense delivers bold and complex flavors. Lastly The Upsetters, is a one-of-a-kind cigar finished with “Caribbean Atmosphere Herbal Infusion.” For a true taste of Nica, you should give their cigars a try!


Charter Oak

10 options
As low as $111.99
  • Grande (6.0" x 60) CT
  • Toro (6.0" x 52) CT
  • Toro (6.0" x 52) MAD
  • Grande (6.0" x 60) MAD
  • Petite Corona (5.25" x 42) CT
  • Rothschild (4.5" x 50) CT
  • Rothschild (4.5" x 50) MAD
  • Petite Corona (5.25" x 42) MAD

The Upsetters

18 options
As low as $7.99
  • Zola (6.0" x 52) - Maduro
  • The Original Rude Boy (6.0" x 60) - Maduro
  • Django (5.0" x 54) - Sumatra
  • Rock Steady (7.0" x 48) - Connecticut
  • The Skipper (Pyramid) (4.5" x 54) - Connecticut
  • Para El Sapo (Pyramid) (4.5" x 54) - Candela
  • Ska (4.0" x 32)

El Gueguense

15 options
As low as $10.69
  • Toro Huaco (6.0" x 56)
  • Torpedo (6.2" x 52)
  • Robusto (5.5" x 50)
  • Churchill (7.0" x 48)
  • Corona Gorda (5.6" x 46)
  • Macho Raton (4.8" x 60)