Peterson pipes, made in Ireland, provide the pipe smoker with a wide selection of briars. These pipes are wonderful to collect. Most Peterson pipe models are available with either a standard, traditional stem (called a "fishtail") or the famous Peterson “p-lip", which directs the smoke toward the roof of your mouth to reduce the chance of burning your tongue.
They have also had a full lineup of tobaccos that the P&C Faithful have flocked to for years. Then, recently, they added a bunch of the previously Dunhill-branded tobaccos, like My Mixture 965, Nightcap, Early Morning, Elizabethan Mixture, De Luxe Navy Rolls, Peterson Flake, and The Royal Yacht Pipe Tobacco. These are all in addition to their classic lines like Sweet Killarney, Sunset Breeze, Irish Flake, Peterson 3 P's, and more. Enjoy some of the most legendary tobaccos ever made with Peterson.
Peterson pipes, made in Ireland, provide the pipe smoker with a wide selection of briars. These pipes are wonderful to collect. Most Peterson pipe models are available with either a standard, traditional stem (called a "fishtail") or the famous Peterson “p-lip", which directs the smoke toward the roof of your mouth to reduce the chance of burning your tongue.
They have also had a full lineup of tobaccos that the P&C Faithful have flocked to for years. Then, recently, they added a bunch of the previously Dunhill-branded tobaccos, like My Mixture 965, Nightcap, Early Morning, Elizabethan Mixture, De Luxe Navy Rolls, Peterson Flake, and The Royal Yacht Pipe Tobacco. These are all in addition to their classic lines like Sweet Killarney, Sunset Breeze, Irish Flake, Peterson 3 P's, and more. Enjoy some of the most legendary tobaccos ever made with Peterson.