The La Aurora cigar factory is the oldest in the Dominican Republic, dating all the way back to 1903. These cigars carry with them a tradition of history, tradition, and class. The benchmark for what a quality Dominican cigar should be. Whether you opt for the flagship Preferidos line, the critically acclaimed 1495 Series, or any of the other fine La Aurora lines you can be sure you're getting flawlessly constructed smokes with perfect balance and the best tobacco around. With over 100 years of tobacco knowledge, you can rest assured you're getting quality cigars with the La Aurora brand.

The La Aurora cigar factory is the oldest in the Dominican Republic, dating all the way back to 1903. These cigars carry with them a tradition of history, tradition, and class. The benchmark for what a quality Dominican cigar should be. Whether you opt for the flagship Preferidos line, the critically acclaimed 1495 Series, or any of the other fine La Aurora lines you can be sure you're getting flawlessly constructed smokes with perfect balance and the best tobacco around. With over 100 years of tobacco knowledge, you can rest assured you're getting quality cigars with the La Aurora brand.


As low as $61.99
  • RUBY Robusto (5.0" x 50) - Brazilian Maduro
  • SAPPHIRE Toro (5.5" x 54) - Connecticut Shade
  • EMERALD (No. 2 Tubos) (5.0" x 54) - Ecuador
  • DIAMOND Toro (5.5" x 54) - CT Broadleaf Maduro
  • GOLD (No. 2 Tubos) (5.0" x 54) - Corojo
  • RUBY (No. 2 Tubos) (5.0" x 54) - Brazilian Maduro
  • DIAMOND (No. 2 Tubos) 5.0" x 54) - Maduro
  • PLATINUM (No. 2 Tubos) (5.0" x 54) - Cameroon
  • SAPPHIRE (No. 2 Tubos) (5.0" x 54) - Connecticut
  • EMERALD Toro (5.5" x 54) - Ecuadorian Sungrown
  • PLATINUM Toro (5.5" x 54) - Cameroon
  • RUBY Toro (5.5" x 54) - Brazilian Maduro
  • GOLD Toro (5.5" x 54) - Dominican Corojo