War Horse was a line of Irish workingman's tobaccos - robust blends that could be satisfying, even in a small bowl during break time. Their tobaccos were never readily available in the US, and disappeared entirely decades ago. The brand was revived a few years ago to bring back these outstandingly rich crumble cakes that are an unusual combination of full aromatic qualities and bold strength.There are two blends available - The bold War Horse Bar (a plug tobacco), and the all-new War Horse Green, a blend with the same strength as War Horse Bar, but with a richer top note, in the vein of some current production Irish-created tobaccos.
War Horse was a line of Irish workingman's tobaccos - robust blends that could be satisfying, even in a small bowl during break time. Their tobaccos were never readily available in the US, and disappeared entirely decades ago. The brand was revived a few years ago to bring back these outstandingly rich crumble cakes that are an unusual combination of full aromatic qualities and bold strength.There are two blends available - The bold War Horse Bar (a plug tobacco), and the all-new War Horse Green, a blend with the same strength as War Horse Bar, but with a richer top note, in the vein of some current production Irish-created tobaccos.